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Nov 14, 2016

The goal of the Shrugged Strength Challenge is to help you GET STRONGER & add 50 pounds to your squat, while IMPROVING YOUR CONDITIONING to drop your "Helen" time by 3 minutes, and improve your overhead movement & mobility.

Now that might seem like a tall order, but it's already happening with our Shrugged Strength Challenge athletes.  We've seen it! In just 3 months of training our athletes have  dropped their "Helen" times by 2:30 on average! They've also gotten bigger squats and improved their mobility at the same time!

So whether you've been training for a while or just starting your strength & conditioning journey we're up for the challenge!

Following this program and sticking with it will help you with more than the things listed above.  Those are just our big goals to give us something to aim for.  Other goals we have for this include building a fun as shit tight knit online community, providing you accountability, and helping you with all the things you're going to have to master that go on outside of the gym.

We're about to enter our 4th year of running online training programs and we've learned a lot over that time.  We're taking what we know works and cranking it to 11.

This program is going to be hard work.  We like to say this program is for those who want to "TRAIN, not exercise."  And what that means is... we're not just going into the gym to break a sweat and get some exercise in.  We're going in with a plan, and we're going to work our ass off and stay committed through hell or high water to reach that goal.  To earn it.