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Sep 30, 2020

OCR Stars was born from the fallout of sport during the 2020 season. Competitions worldwide have been put on hold due to the Covid circumstances; this has left millions of participants and tens of thousands of athletes with empty race schedules. 


As a professional athlete, I have built the last nine years of my life...

Sep 28, 2020

In this Episode of Barbell Shrugged:


  1. What is RIR, RPE, and Percentages?
  2. How do you use these concepts to write a strength program?
  3. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each?
  4. What are effective reps and how do you understand max effort?
  5. Tactics and methods for optimizing sub-maximal effort?


Anders Varner on...

Sep 23, 2020

Spencer Nadolsky is a licensed practicing board certified family and bariatric (weight loss) medicine physician. He is a PHD in Lipidology . After a successful athletic career at UNC-Chapel Hill, Nadolsky enrolled in medical school at VCOM (Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine) with aspirations to change the world...

Sep 21, 2020

In this Episode of Barbell Shrugged:


  1. The difference between asymmetries and structural imbalances
  2. What causes imbalances in your training
  3. How do you pick the right accessories to fix imbalances
  4. Top accessory movement to eliminate asymmetries and imbalances 
  5. How to program to eliminate asymmetries and imbalances


Sep 16, 2020

Dr. House has a Ph.D. in Nutrition from the University of Texas at Austin, which is one of the top ranked public universities in the United States. Dr. House is also a Nutritionist (CN), Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist (FDN), and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP).


As a strength coach, House...